Best Aluminium Framed Folding Bikes 2016
The popularity is increasing from day to day. However, many folding bikes have a steel frame, which is much heavier than a comfortable aluminium frame. For example, folding bikes from Dahon, come as a standard with a steel frame.
For many folding bike starters the issue of a lightweight frame is not seen, when buying their first bike, but after having a comfortable lightweight folding bike you never want to change. In the following sections, we will review our top choices for aluminium framed folding bikes.
Our testing method
As always we have interviewed several bike shops of our trust, which of course offer a wide range of folding bikes. Hence our conclusion consists of expert interviews and self testing. After 1 week of research, we have now found the top 4 aluminium framed folding bikes.
Who is this for?
This post is intended for folding bike buyers, who would like to bring their foldable bike experience to the next level. Aluminium bike frames are less heavy and it is often said, that these frames are more durable than bike frames made of steel.
Furthermore, during our research, we found that in comparison to steel framed folding bikes, aluminium framed folding bikes are rare. Hence, we definitely see the need to clarify once and for all, which aluminium framed folding bikes are the best.
Why an aluminum folding bike?
Aluminium versus steel framed bikes have a long argumentation history. However, which one you pick, will impact the life of your bicycle and even the ride itself. Hence, choosing the proper bike frame for your need, is extremely important
Lot`s of folding bikes come with a steel frame. In fact, this is the “traditional” choice, when building a bicycle frame. It´s durability and easiness to weld make it the perfect material. Furthermore, the first bicycle frames were made of steel, hence there exists a lot of experience within the cycling community on the ins and outs of this material.
The main argument, why lots of pro-steel riders prefer steel frames is that, you are likely to find someone to fix your bike in case of a damage. This argument is certainly true to some degree, but in case of a severe damage a lot depends on the skill of your trusted bike mechanic.
However, it is often the case that instead of fixing your bike, the repairman will suggest to throw away the damaged frame and just buy a new one, which is usually much cheaper.
The biggest strength of aluminium frames is, that they are much lighter, often cheaper and easier to handle, while riding your bike.
Compared to steel aluminium cannot rust. Therefore, you do not have to cover up paint or small chips, which would damage a steel frame.
Furthermore, many people say that aluminium bike frames live usually much longer than steel bike frames. However, one has to say that this definitely depends on the regular use of the bike and how you care for it.
On the next page, you can find our fine selection of winning bikes.